About Community Friendship


Who We Are

Community Friendship provides services which promote recovery and assist consumers in establishing and maintaining productive lives in the community. For over 50 years, Community Friendship has been committed to supporting an individual’s recovery from mental illness so that each person can lead a contributing, integrated, and self-directed life.


CFI is a nonprofit psychiatric rehabilitation organization that ensures a supportive community for adults with long term psychiatric disabilities so that they can develop living, learning, working, and social skills, and access the resources needed to lead successful and satisfying lives.


Full access to community life through achievement of one's potential and removal of barriers.


Respect- We believe in unconditional positive regard for each person as a human being

Choice- We believe consumers have the right to make decisions about the directions of their life and recovery process.

Hope- We believe all people have the ability to grow and reach their full potential

Holistic Approach- We believe in working with the whole person, mind, body, spirit, not just their illness

Knowledge- We believe gaining knowledge through education and experience is an empowering process, allowing people to grow, learn an dmake informed life decitions

Integrity- We believe in high ethical standards that promote fiscal responsibility and services that reflect standards of excellence.

CARF accredited since 1976