Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program

Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) is designed to help individuals learn skills that will help them live in the community without hospitalization.  Daily groups focus on living, socialization, educational, vocational, and independent living skills.

What to expect

Lunch is served daily, and several breaks are scheduled throughout the day.

Transportation: MARTA cards are accessible for active participation


  • Food planning and preparation

  • Money Management

  • Maintenance of the living environment

  • Development of problem-solving techniques

  • Social/interpersonal skills

  • Medication education

  • Technology and innovation skills

  • Symptom management

Our PSR program is a place where individuals are encouraged to become supporters, to empower each other, and instill hope about their own unique recovery paths.

Program operates Monday - Friday, generally 9 am to 2 pm

To refer someone please use the form on contact page here. To download the referral form, please click here.