Work Opportunities

NEED A JOB? Work Opportunities CAN HELP!

CFI helps consumers choose, get and keep competitive jobs in the community. CFI’s employment program recognizes the importance of consumer preference, and strives to find job placement and employment opportunities that are of preference to the consumers we serve.

CFI has continued to strengthen our relationship with several companies and organizations across Metropolitan Atlanta who understands the vulnerable population we serve.​

What to Expect

  • A career profile guided search, application, & interviewing

  • Job matching pairds you with positions you desire

  • Relationships with employers to support hiring and job retention

Ongoing Support

  • Workplace-based support

  • Career advancement services

  • Rapid re-employment

  • Help with understanding the impact of work on benefits

  • Follow-along supports are provided after services have neded on a time-unlimited basis

why choose work opportunities?

  • All are eligible, regardless of diagnosis, symptoms, work history, etc.

  • Services are integrated with all other supports provided

  • Competitive employment is the goal at both part-time and full-time status

  • Benefits counseling to provide accurate information to guide decisions about work

  • Job search starts soon after expressing interest in working

  • Continous support

  • We listen to find work that is interesting and satisfactory

To refer someone please use the form on contact page here. To download the referral form, please click here.

Partner with Work Opportunities Today

customized employment

Everyone has a place where they can be successful. Our Employment Specialists work with people to identify their skills, talents and motivation. We link those skills, abilities and motives with employers in the community and develop jobs where new skills can be acquired

long lasting employees

Working with individuals receiving Work Opportunities support helps you to expand your workforce wiht qualified, dedicated employees. You can feel confident that the Employment Specialist will be there for the life of your employee’s career.

Job development

Do you think your business could teach people new skills? We are always looking for small and large businesses to partner with. Let’s explore opportunities your place of business offers. We believe that skills are acquired. All skills can be transferable and pave the way for new career opportunities.

Its a ‘win-win’ strategy

Teamwork makes the dreamwork. Our Employment Specialists will work hand in hand with you and the employee to help achieve mutual success. Let us help you!

Annual Employers Luncheons

We celebrate our employers and hope others are inspired to work with a diverse population of people, including those with disabilities.